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Veteran Education Policies

Veterans who come to Five Branches join a supportive, tight-knit community driven by shared values. Our strong culture is rooted in our commitment to serve humanity and to transform the worldview of healthcare.

Veterans or dependents applying for VA education benefits for the MTCM program must obtain a Certificate of Eligibility (COE) or a Notification of Basic Eligibility (NOBE) from the Department of Veteran Affairs (VA): Students applying to the DTCM, DAC or DAOM programs are not eligible to receive VA education benefits.

When the VA processes an application for educational benefits, a Certificate of Eligibility (COE) is mailed directly to the student. COE letters provide the eligibility percentage for the service member or dependent’s housing, tuition and fees. If you receive an eligibility percentage that is less than 100% for tuition and fees, you must provide a payment method for the portion that the VA will not pay. This form must be submitted to the Registrar’s office 10 business days prior to your anticipated program entry date.

Satisfactory Academic Progress [CFR21.4253 (d) (1) (ii)]

Students certified to receive VA benefits are subject to the same enrollment, attendance, tardiness, student conduct, minimum term and cumulative GPA requirements (2.75 GPA), and all other satisfactory academic progress requirements as written in the University catalog and Student Handbook.

Previous Education and Training [CFR21.4253 (d) (3)]

This institution maintains a written record of previous education and training of the veteran or eligible person, which clearly indicates the appropriate credit has been given by the institution for previous education and training, with the training period (or length of the program) shortened proportionately, and the veteran notified accordingly.

If you have questions about VA education benefits or the application process, please contact us by phone or email.

Veterans Affairs School Administrator

Gina Huang
1885 Lundy Avenue, Suite 108
San Jose, CA 95131
Phone: (408) 260-0208 ext. 233
Fax: (408) 261-3166