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Faculty / Practitioner Directory

Faculty / Practitioner Directory

Faculty Emeriti

Ninghan Feng
MD (China)

Dr. Feng worked at the railway employee’s hospital, where he was a leader of the acupuncture department for 20 years, from 1975 to 2008. He was the physician director of a TCM hospital in Oman from 1990 to 1991. He has taught and lectured regularly in Germany since 2001.

Huimin Wang
MD, China

President of Hong Kong Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Professor at the University of Hong Kong School of Chinese Medicine, Professor at the Chinese University of Hong Kong School of Chinese Medicine.

Sanhu Wang
MD (China)

Professor, Chief Physician, Liuzhou Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine Oncology Department, Director of the Liuzhou Chinese Medicine Oncology Institute, Graduate Advisor of Internal TCM at the Guangxi Traditional Chinese Medical University. 

Juyi Wang

BS (China), TCM, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, China Former President, Xuan Wu TCM Hospital, Beijing, China Former Standing Editor, American Journal of Integrative Medicine Former Senior Professor, China Academy of TCM, Beijing, China Former Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Chinese Acupuncture and Moxibustion, China Neuromuscular Medicine and Pain Management Specialization

Stephen Woodley

Stephen Woodley received his Masters of Science degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine from The Academy of Chinese Culture and Health Sciences in California. He has taught hundreds of students focusing on TCM foundations, diagnosis, and TCM herbal medicine. Stephen is the director of Shang Han Lun Seminars and a CEU provider, specializing in Classical Chinese Medicine.

Stephen Woodley teaches in the Departments of TCM Theory and TCM Herbology.

Peter H.Y. Yang
B.A., M.A.

Peter Yang graduated with a B.A. from Beijing Foreign Languages Institute in China. He earned an M.A. in sociology from Beijing Foreign Studies University and a second M.A. in American Social Studies from the University of Kansas. He was a professor of English and Chinese for 11 years at Beijing Foreign Languages Institute (Beiwai), China, specializing in the design, teaching and testing of CFL, ESL, EFL, translation and interpretation, and cross-cultural studies. From 1986 to 1993, he was a professor at the University of Kansas, teaching Chinese language, Chinese cultural traditions, and Eastern civilization. He worked as an adjunct professor at Myotherapy Institute, teaching Chinese breathing exercises and acupressure. Professor Yang has also done translation and interpretation for corporations. Professor Yang teaches in the Department of TCM Theory.

Tonghua Yang
MD, China, L.Ac
Senior Professor

Dr. Yang received his M.D. from Beijing Medical University in China in 1968. He worked at Bethune Medical Science University as the chief surgeon. He came to the U.S. in 1987 and is a licensed acupuncturist. He has been a board director of CATCM and a professor at University of Herbal Medicine. He specializes in neurological diseases especially Parkinson’s Disease, sports injury, and unspecified pain.

Expert Practitioners and Exceptional Teachers

Five Branches faculty members are influential scholars in the TCM profession and skilled medical practitioners, who are able to convey complex issues clearly and memorably. They embrace a progressive and creative approach to the dissemination of authentic TCM knowledge as it applies to practice in a modern healthcare environment. 

The shared experience of clinical training fosters especially meaningful connections between you and your teachers. Learn more about the Five Branches Faculty, and browse the DTCM/MTCM Faculty Directory.