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DAcHM & MAcHM Programs

DAcHM & MAcHM Programs

Financial Aid Policies

The following policies apply to all students receiving federal financial aid from Five Branches University:

  • Students must maintain a cumulative and term GPA of 2.75 or above.
  • Students must pass all courses with an A, B or C letter grade and are not permitted to exceed one Incomplete (I) grade per term.
  • Completion of 67% of all units attempted in any incremental period.
  • Students must maintain at least half-time enrollment status.
    • Students must maintain full-time enrollment status.
    • Students must not exceed two unsatisfactory grades per year (NC, NP, I, W), and must maintain a passing grade (P) on all required coursework.
Students may not exceed the time limits for coursework as described in the syllabi and course descriptions.

  • DTCM/MTCM Program – 18 terms (Spring, Summer, Fall)
  • DAC/MAc Program – 15 terms (Spring, Summer, Fall)
  • Postgraduate DAOM Program – 12 terms (Spring, Summer, Fall)

Academic and Financial Warning

Students who fail to meet the Qualitative and/or Quantitative progress requirements in any term will be placed on Academic and Financial Aid Warning for the following term of enrollment. Students are placed on Warning status for a period no longer than one (1) term. During the Financial Aid Warning term, students may receive financial aid and must meet all SAP requirements. A letter will notify students when they are placed on Academic and Financial Aid Warning. The reason(s) for the Financial Aid Warning and SAP Requirements for the following term will be explained in the letter.
Financial Aid WarningSAP Requirements
Term / Cumulative GPA less than 2.75Complete subsequent term with 2.75 GPA or above and with grades sufficient to raise cumulative GPA to 2.75
DAcHM, MAcHM, DAc, and MAC students must pass all courses with an A, B or C letter grade and are not permitted to exceed one Incomplete (I) per term.Complete affected course work with a passing letter grade in the following term.
DAOM students must not exceed two
unsatisfactory grades per year: (NC, NP, I,W)
Complete affected course work with a passing letter grade.
Incremental Unit/Pace Requirement(s) not metComplete more than 67% of attempted units in the following term.
Breach in professionalismRequirement contingent upon SPRC review
Exceed maximum program time frameRequirement contingent upon SPRC review

Academic and Financial Aid Probation

Students who fail to meet their Warning term requirement(s) by the end of the Warning term, have the option to submit an appeal to request continued financial aid. If the appeal is approved, the student will be granted Academic and Financial Aid Probation for the following term. Students may be granted Academic and Financial Aid Probation for a period no longer than one term or until the completion of an approved Academic Plan. ALL SAP requirements must be met each term. Students who fail to meet their Probationary term requirement(s) and Academic Plan by the end of the Probationary term(s) will be disqualified from financial aid. Students who are disqualified from financial aid, but are not dismissed from the program can have aid reinstated after successful completion of an Academic Plan as approved by the SPRC. Students whose Probationary appeal is denied are not eligible for financial aid. An appeal denied by the Review Committee (SPRC) may be appealed to the President for continued enrollment in the program; decisions made by this office are final.


Appeals must be made in writing to the Student Progress Review Committee (SPRC). The Student Progress Review Committee is responsible for reviewing and approving appeals. An approved appeal restores financial aid to the student during the probationary term. The SPRC may require a meeting and/or further developed Academic Plan to ensure SAP requirements are met by a specific term. The appeal letter must contain the following:

    • Describe any extenuating or mitigating circumstances that prevented compliance with the Progress Policy. Some examples include but are not limited to the death of a relative, an injury, or illness.
    • Explain what has since changed in the student’s situation and the precise steps the student will take or is taking to gain good academic standing.
    • Include an Academic Plan that specifies what classes will be taken each term to ensure successful program completion and the date of the program completion. An Academic Plan is an agreement between the student and University. Any changes to an agreed-upon Academic Plan must be made by an additional written appeal.

Reinstatement of Aid

Students who are disqualified from financial aid, but are not dismissed from the program can have aid reinstated after the completion of a SPRC approved Academic Plan. The Academic Plan can include one or multiple terms until it reaches its contracted goal. Each term of the approved plan, Satisfactory Academic Progress is reviewed and must be passed to receive aid for the following term.

Return of Title IV Funds

Return of Title IV funds policy for federal aid received

Return of Title IV Funds Regulations

Students Rights and Responsibilities

Students regarding their rights and responsibilities as they relate to applying for and receiving student financial aid

Students Rights and Responsibilities

Federal Work-Study Policy

Federal Work-Study (FWS) is a program funded by the federal government, which helps students with financial needs to find a part-time job on campus

Federal Work-Study Policy

Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLB Act)

The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, sets forth standards for developing, implementing, and maintaining reasonable administrative, technical, and physical safeguards to protect the security, confidentiality, and integrity of customer information.

Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLB Act)

Professional Judgement

Five Branches University intends to provide assistance to students who require a professional judgment ruling regarding their individual circumstances.

Professional Judgement

Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)

In accordance with the U.S. Department of Education regulations, financial aid recipients must maintain satisfactory academic progress toward the achievement of a degree or certificate.

Satisfactory Academic Progress


In accordance with the U.S. Department of Education regulation 34 CFR 668.51–61, we must verify applications selected by the FAFSA Processing system (FPS) for the accuracy of the information submitted on the FAFSA.


Cost of Attendance Policy

Cost of attendance (COA) is a college’s total estimated expenses for one academic year (two semesters) including tuition, room and board, books, supplies, transportation, loan fees, and miscellaneous expenses. A school’s COA is used to determine each student’s eligibility for financial aid.

Cost of Attendence Policy