Five Branches University is an accredited institution of higher education approved to participate in federal financial aid programs. Our financial aid programs assist more than 80% of our students in meeting the financial costs of their education.
Eligibility for financial aid is determined using a federal formula as outlined by the U.S. Department of Education. In order to qualify for federal financial aid, you must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident. Students who attend Five Branches University on an F-1 Visa (international students) are not eligible to participate in the federal financial aid program.
You are eligible to apply for financial aid for each year you are a student at Five Branches University. You are required to progress through the program at a satisfactory rate and complete the program within the maximum time frame.
Financial Aid for our graduate degree programs includes educational costs: tuition, fees, books and supplies, transportation, personal expenses, loan fees, and a reasonable allowance for living during the academic year.
The maximum time frame to complete the program is six years for the DTCM/MTCM, and 5 years for the DAc/MAc. You may receive Federal Direct Student Loans during any term of enrollment of six or more units. [Continue to Read …]
Santa Cruz Campus
2007th Avenue
San Jose Campus
1885 Lundy Ave, Suite 108
Daryl Cullen
Director of Financial Aid