Everything we do here has one goal: to prepare you to become an expert TCM practitioner and licensed acupuncturist who is capable of offering the highest standard of patient-centered healthcare.
The Doctor of Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine and Master of Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine Degree Programs provide you with a strong foundation in the authentic teachings of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).
Our curriculum is focused on the “five branches” of TCM: acupuncture, herbal medicine, dietary therapy, Tuina massage, and Chinese energetic healing arts. We build upon this profound core-knowledge with an immersion into the language and diagnostic skills of integrative medicine.
This unique and powerful blend of TCM and Western biomedicine, anticipates the bright future of a collaborative medical paradigm, preparing you to enter the job market poised to take advantage of the exciting new career opportunities in healthcare.
This four-year professional graduate degree program, comprising 3435 hours (195.5 units), is taught on a trimester basis in English at our Santa Cruz campus, and in English and Chinese at our San Jose campus.
Upon completion of one of the programs, you will earn a Master’s degree or a Doctorate that is required for State and National licensing and certification exams.
From the first day you begin the program, you will work closely with expert faculty to receive hands-on clinical training and patient-care experience.
The DAcHM & MAcHM curriculums are anchored in TCM fundamentals and integrate research, Western biomedicine, and clinical training into a seamless academic experience.
Our faculty members are invested in the inherent potency of TCM, and successfully build access to this potency in our students, through a tried-and-true method of teaching.