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DAcHM & MAcHM Programs

DAcHM & MAcHM Programs

Transfer Students

A Transfer Student is an individual who was previously enrolled at another Chinese medicine school but for various reasons is seeking to transfer to Five Branches University.

Five Branches accepts transfer students who will be completing at least 50% of their degree at the University. If only one year remains before graduation, we recommend you graduate from the school you are currently attending unless this is not feasibly possible. You may contact the admissions office to receive a preliminary evaluation of your transfer credits.

Transfer Student Application Requirements

Transfer students follow the same application process as new students, but are required to submit additional documents:

  1. Cover letter stating your reasons for seeking a transfer from another TCM college, and a list of the courses you wish to transfer.
  2. An additional letter of recommendation from a TCM/Acupuncture instructor located at your previous Chinese Medicine school.
  3. Catalog from your previous TCM college, stating its approval agencies and accreditation.
  4. Syllabus outlining the content for each course you wish to transfer. Upon acceptance to Five Branches, you will be informed of your placement in the program, and will receive a detailed evaluation of the transfer credits awarded.

Transferring TCM Courses

Transfer credits are awarded for courses taken at a TCM college that are nationally accredited and approved by the California Acupuncture Board, as long as they are equivalent both in content and length to Five Branches DAcHM or MAcHM courses and awarded a letter grade of C or above.

When transferring from a graduate-level program in Chinese medicine to our DAcHM or MAcHM programs, up to 25% of clinical training courses and 50% of academic courses may be eligible for transfer.

TCM-related courses from a TCM college not approved by the California Acupuncture Board will only be accepted within the 50% limitations of the Board. TCM courses from tutorial or apprenticeship programs are non-transferable. Transfer credit is not available for work or life experience.

Transferring Western Medicine Courses

Upon review of prior credentials, medical professionals may transfer part or the entire Western medicine track, including natural science requirements. Western medicine courses are only transferable from regionally accredited, degree-granting colleges and universities, or accredited TCM schools.

Transferring Credit Earned through Challenge Examination

You may petition to receive credit for one course per department via a challenge exam, with the exclusion of the Clinical Training Department. You may qualify to take a challenge examination under the following circumstances:

  1. The course was taken more than five years prior to applying to Five Branches.
  2. The course was previously taken and passed at another institution with a grade lower than C, and therefore, does not qualify for transfer credit. 
  3. The course was previously taken and passed at another institution, but the course material was not sufficient to qualify for full transfer credit.
Upon qualification, you will be provided with the course syllabus to aid in preparation for taking the challenge examination. The exam must be taken prior to the start of the program term in which the course is required, and you must receive a passing score of 70%. A course can be challenged by examination only once. If you fail to pass the exam, you will be required to enroll in the course at the full tuition cost.

Credit earned through assessment or achievement examinations at other TCM schools are non-transferable.

Transfer and Challenge Examination Fees

A transfer fee will apply to the evaluation of all courses transferred into the programs, excluding the five natural science courses. If a Challenge exam is required, an additional fee will apply. Please refer to Tuition and Fees for more information.