March Online Info SessionSign Up Now

Cost of the Program

DAcHM/DAc Bridge Completion Program Tuition

The total tuition for the 315-hour (16.5 unit) DAcHM/DAc Bridge Completion Program is $8505.

* Five Branches University Master’s graduates receive a 20% discount for a tuition of $6,804.

Tuition is proportional to the number of courses taken each trimester and is payable on a trimester or monthly basis. A nominal fee is charged for the use of a credit card or monthly payment plan.

DAcHM/DAc Bridge Completion Program Fees

  • Application fee: $100 
  • Monthly installments: $15 per month  
  • Credit card convenience fee: 3% of payment
  • Late fee: $30 per month

Tuition Payment

Registration occurs three times per year. Students pay for the total number of units they register for each trimester, which is due on the 15th of the first month of the term, and is considered past due on the last day of the first month of the term. If you are unable to pay in full at registration, or prior to the past due date, an extended payment plan can be arranged. Installment fees are charged for this service. 

The assigning of credit for all courses and clinical training occurs only after all financial obligations have been met. Five Branches University reserves the right to change tuition and fees as necessary.

Refund Policy

You have the right to cancel your contract for enrollment (withdraw from the program) and obtain a refund of charges paid through attendance at the first class, or the seventh calendar day after enrollment, whichever is later. To do so you must submit a Withdrawal Form to the Registrar’s Office by the stipulated deadline. If you are unable to do so, a letter, e-mail or fax addressed to the Registrar with your signature stating cancellation of enrollment will be accepted.

If you choose to cancel your contract after seven business days have lapsed, a prorated tuition will be refunded based on the unused percentage of class time remaining. Please refer to the Student Handbook or Enrollment Agreement for detailed information on the Five Branches University refund policy.