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DAOM & PhD (China)

DAOM & PhD (China)

DAOM Faculty

Samson Cheung

Samson Cheung has been studying the I-Ching since 1986. From years of studying the Chinese Classics, he gained a profound understanding of Chinese metaphysics, Feng Shui, and Confucianism. In 2007, he helped established a nonprofit organization called the School of Yimutology. where he teaches the I-Ching and related subjects. Dr. Cheung promotes I-Ching culture, Chinese philosophy and Confucianism by incorporating these Chinese theories and teachings into modern city life.  Samson graduated from the University of California, Davis with a Ph.D in Applied Mathematics. He received a Master of Arts in Applied Mathematics, Mathematical Physics, and a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics-Physics from the University of Maryland. After his employment at Boeing and Intel as a computer engineer, he joined the Application Performance & Productivity (APP) Group in the NAS Division at the NASA Ames Research Center to develop Earth Science Modeling Framework (ESMF) and create parallel computational code for tropical cyclones study.

Ninghan Feng
MD (China)

Dr. Feng worked at the railway employee’s hospital, where he was a leader of the acupuncture department for 20 years, from 1975 to 2008. He was the physician director of a TCM hospital in Oman from 1990 to 1991. He has taught and lectured regularly in Germany since 2001.

Holly Guzman
Senior Professor

In 1972, age 13, Holly studied acupuncture with help from the Chinese Embassy in Afghanistan where she lived. There, she was given a booklet on curing deaf mutes. A few years later, Holly traveled to the Guang Zhou School for the Deaf Mute in China to see the successful acupuncture protocol in action. She also witnessed acupuncture anesthesia in major surgery, and national health care programs utilizing Chinese herbs. In 1979, Holly attended the New England School of Acupuncture, and a year later assisted Ted Kaptchuk to open an acupuncture program at a state hospital, a first in 1980. Ted Kaptchuk, head of a medical dept. at Harvard, explores the hardest questions on healing. In 1983, Holly joined the first graduating class of ACTCM. Concurrently, she assisted Miriam Lee, (who treated 10 patients an hour, 8 hours a day) and studied with Yat Ki Lai, expert on herbal safety, from Lai’s lineage treating royalty. Lois Johnson M.D., an oncologist, is Holly’s mentor for advanced western herb studies, and Daoist Jeffrey Yuen inspires her applications of Chinese spiritual aspects in health. She has been greatly influenced by Kiiko Matsumoto, known for unsurpassed acupuncture results, with whom Holly continues to study with today. In 1985, Holly became one of the first faculty members of Five Branches University. She returned to the Orient for seven months in 1987, to continue her training in Chinese medicine including doctorate studies at the Hefei TCM Hospital #1, Beijing TCM Hospital, and, with Kiiko, at Manaka Hospital in Japan. Holly regularly lectures at major Chinese Medicine symposiums, one of the very few unpublished speakers with this honor. She is a contributing author in Acupuncture in Practice, The Natural Health First Aid Guide, and Breast Cancer/Breast Health. Holly has practiced in Santa Cruz, California since 1983, specializing in women’s health, pediatrics, immune issues, cancer, and epilepsy. She currently teaches for the Masters, Doctorate, and Extension programs at Five Branches and offers students clinical training externships at her private practice. Her hobbies include growing Chinese and Western herbs, surfing and beekeeping. Holly Guzman teaches in the Department of TCM Acupuncture. 

Wanshan Hao

Wanshan Hao graduated from Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Currently Professor Hao holds the positions of professor, chief physician, academic advisor and clinical supervisor for doctoral and master students at Beijing University of TCM. He has worked in the field of Shang Han Lun as a teacher, practitioner and researcher for decades. Professor Hao has been invited to South Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, France, and the Czech Republic to give lectures and professional talks. Professor Hao also has extensive clinical experience in treating diseases related to respiratory system, digestive system, cardiovascular system, and other difficult and complex diseases using classical formulas.

Lucy Hu
L.Ac., Dipl.Ac.(NCCAOM), M.D. (China)
Senior Professor

Lucy Hu comes from a family of healthcare practitioners. Her great grandfather was a doctor of Traditional Chinese medicine and her two older sisters earned Western MD degrees in China. Lucy received her medical degree from Shenyang University in Shenyang, People’s Republic of China, in 1961 and worked as a pediatrician and instructor at the Dalian Children Hospital from 1961 through 1979. Lucy graduated from the Chinese Acupuncture Medical Institute of Hong Kong in 1982, with diplomas in Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine. In her three decades of medical experience, she has specialized in pediatrics. Lucy became a licensed acupuncturist in California in 1987 and obtained her National Certification (NCCAOM) in both Acupuncture and Chinese Herbology. In 2004, Lucy presented a case study of a child with a severe genetic metabolic disorder at the International Conference on Diagnosis and Treatment of Difficult Diseases by Herbal Therapy and Acupuncture in Hangzhou, China. She treated the child with success unobtainable by Western methods. After 12 months of treatment, the child’s health and quality of life continued to improve significantly. Lucy maintains a private practice for adults and children in Santa Clara, California. Her interests include classical music and cooking, especially the healthy Chinese herbal soups so favored by her students. You can visit her website at Professor Hu teaches in the Departments of TCM Clinical Medicine and TCM Clinical Training and is a faculty member of the Five Branches DAOM program.

Eva Kwong

Dr. Eva Kwong is a DAOM, Graduate of Five Branches University and licensed Acupuncturist in the State of California. She specializes in Auricular Medicine and served an apprenticeship with the Auricular Medicine pioneer Dr. Huang, Li Chun. Dr. Kwong has more than 20 years of experience as a TCM doctor and educator. She was previously an active member of United California Practitioners of Chinese Medicine and is now Executive Director of the Academy of Auricular Medicine.

Anita Chen Marshall
L.Ac., DAOM, Pharm.D, Dipl.O.M. (NCCAOM)
Associate Professor

Anita Chen Marshall received a Doctor of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (DAOM) from American College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, California; a Master of Science in Traditional Chinese Medicine from the Academy of Chinese Culture and Health Sciences, California; a Doctor of Pharmacy from the University of the Pacific, California; and a Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy from the University of Washington.

Anita is a licensed acupuncturist and herbalist in California, and certified nationally in Acupuncture and Herbology, Dipl.O.M. (NCCAOM). She is the founder and director of Sequoia Healing Center for Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine. For more information refer to:

Anita Chen Marshall teaches in the Department of TCM Herbology.


Jeffrey Pang
L.Ac., M.D. (China)
Senior Professor

Growing up as a member of a distinguished medical family in southern China, Jeffrey Pang was privately educated to join a lineage of traditional Chinese doctors spanning several generations. In 1968, he received his M.D. (training in both Western medicine and TCM) from the Sun Yat Sen University of Medical Sciences located in Guangzhou, People’s Republic of China. In 1984, Jeffrey emigrated to the U.S. and became a licensed acupuncturist in California. His experience includes ten years of clinical practice in Guangzhou and Hong Kong hospitals, and 25 years of private practice. A principal member of the Five Branches’ faculty since its inception in 1984, Professor Pang leads the review and development of Five Branches TCM curriculum as Theory and Herbology Department Head. He has been a contract acupuncturist with Kaiser Hospital, and Santa Teresa Pain Management Center since 1997 and currently maintains a private practice in San Jose, California. His areas of specialization include joint pain, visual disturbances, dermatological diseases and immune system disorders. Jeffrey balances his full-time TCM career with Taiji exercises, camping in Yosemite, swimming and planting fruit trees from cuttings given to him by his students. Professor Pang teaches in the Departments of TCM Theory, TCM Herbology, TCM Clinical Medicine and TCM Clinical Training and is a faculty member of the Five Branches DAOM program.

Sara Zheng Ratia

Faculty at Integrative & Sports Medicine Center, Former Associate Scientist at Amgen Inc., Former Research Assistant at University of California, Davis, Former Research Assistant at Stanford Univeristy.

Susanna Shen
L.Ac., M.D. (China), DAOM Fellow

Susanna Shen graduated from Fujian University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in the People’s Republic of China in 1986, where she trained in both Western and Traditional Chinese medicine. After graduation, she worked as a TCM doctor in a Chinese hospital, supervising interns and teaching TCM Theory. When she came to the U.S., Susanna worked at the Pain Management Center in Los Angeles and later taught at the American College of TCM in the Bay Area.

Since 1996, Susanna has returned to China every summer to work and train in hospitals and clinics, sharpening her skills in needling techniques, TCM gynecology, facial rejuvenation and aging prevention, and the treatment of rare and difficult diseases using TCM and herbs. Her specialties include chronic fatigue, GI disorders, stress, facial rejuvenation, gynecology and internal medicine. Susanna enjoys photography, travel, and cooking.

Susanna Shen teaches in the Departments of TCM Herbology and TCM Clinical Training.

Douglas Yi Wang
L.Ac., M.D. (China), Dipl.Ac. (NCCAOM), DAOM
Senior Professor

Faculty and department chair / clinic director in San Jose campus, Since 2004. Douglas Wang received his Medicine degree in 1982 from Qinghai University Medical School in China. He continued his medical studies at the International Psychiatrist Training Center offered through the WHO and Shanghai Psychiatry and Hygiene Center where he received the title of Neuro-Psychiatrist. He pioneered the first series of seminars for physicians treating substance abuse, and established the first substance abuse program in Qinghai Province; this program employed a combination of Western medical and TCM treatments for its participants. Professor Wang earned his Master’s degree in TCM from ACTCM in San Francisco, Doctoral degree in TCM from Five Branches University. He has California state licensure, National acupuncture and Chinese herbology certificatios. Professor Wang has held numerous teaching positions in China and the U.S. including President of Bo-Ai Special Hospital in China and Director of the Chinese Bilingual Program, Assistant Dean of Academic Studies at ACTCM, clinic director at Five Branches University, San Jose campus and department chair of integrative medicine at Five Branches University. Professor Wang specializes in stroke, paralysis, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, mental illness, emotional / behaviors disorders, and drug addiction. He is in private practice, and his hobbies include hiking and skiing. Professor Wang teaches in the Departments of TCM Herbology, Clinical Medicine and TCM Clinical Training and is a senior faculty member of Five Branches DAOM program.

Huimin Wang
MD, China

President of Hong Kong Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Professor at the University of Hong Kong School of Chinese Medicine, Professor at the Chinese University of Hong Kong School of Chinese Medicine.

Juyi Wang

BS (China), TCM, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, China Former President, Xuan Wu TCM Hospital, Beijing, China Former Standing Editor, American Journal of Integrative Medicine Former Senior Professor, China Academy of TCM, Beijing, China Former Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Chinese Acupuncture and Moxibustion, China Neuromuscular Medicine and Pain Management Specialization

Sanhu Wang
MD (China)

Professor, Chief Physician, Liuzhou Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine Oncology Department, Director of the Liuzhou Chinese Medicine Oncology Institute, Graduate Advisor of Internal TCM at the Guangxi Traditional Chinese Medical University. 

Guanhu Yang
Ph.D, O.M., L.Ac.

Dr. Guanhu Yang
Dr. Guanhu Yang graduated from Zhejiang College of Traditional Chinese Medicine (MD) and Nanjing College of Traditional Chinese Medicine (MS) and served as Assistant Professor at Wenzhou Medical University. In 1993, Guanhu joined the staff of Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical University in Japan, and from there he went to Kanazawa Medical University for his Ph.D. study in lung repair. After completing his Ph.D., Dr. Yang continued his research in pulmonary biology at Cincinnati Children's Hospital as a postdoc and then research scientist.

Dr. Yang has been running two acupuncture clinics in Ohio, USA. He is currently a Clinical Professor at Ohio University and Chair Professor of the US-China Joint Institute for Acupuncture & Rehabilitation Medicine at Wenzhou Medical University. Dr. Yang also served as director for the SHI acupuncture school, vice president at American TCM Association a few years ago, and supervised the doctoral program at the American Academy of Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine and other 10 medical universities in the World. He is the president of the Chinese Medicine Luobing Society of America. During his career, Dr. Yang published 10 books and over 70 research articles on basic biology and traditional Chinese medicine, and work as an editor and reviewer for numerous renowned SCI journals. Dr. Yang also is an associate Editor for the International Journal of Clinical Acupuncture. He also is Vice president of the World Federation of Chinese Medicine digestion Committee and Endocrine Committee.

Tonghua Yang
MD, China, L.Ac
Senior Professor

Dr. Yang received his M.D. from Beijing Medical University in China in 1968. He worked at Bethune Medical Science University as the chief surgeon. He came to the U.S. in 1987 and is a licensed acupuncturist. He has been a board director of CATCM and a professor at University of Herbal Medicine. He specializes in neurological diseases especially Parkinson’s Disease, sports injury, and unspecified pain.

Robert Yao
DAOM, M. Med., L.Ac.

Dr. Yao is a Professor at Five Branches University and a Visiting Professor at International Jing Fang Institute in Nanjing University of TCM. He earned his Master of Medicine degree (M. Med.) in 1988 from TB & Thoracic Tumor Institute, Capital Medical University. In the same year, he was hired as an Attending Physician for Shanghai Pulmonary Hospital’s Internal Medicine and Central Research Lab. He had completed his medical internship,resident and TCM training at Shanghai No. 1 Hospital, Shanghai No. 6 Peoples’ Hospital and Shanghai 2nd TB Hospital. In 1990, he earned scholarships to become a Visiting Scientist at Palermo University School of Medicine in Italy and relocated to Bay Area to serve as a Visiting Scholar at Stanford University School of Medicine (1991-1994). After licensed by California Acupuncture Board in 1995, Dr. Yao started an acupuncture and herbal service at the AIDS Clinic in Santa Clara Valley Medical Center specializing in the treatment of side effects caused by HIV medications. To honor his service for AIDS patients, Santa Clara County Government awarded him the Lesley David Burgess Lifetime Achievement Award in 1999. Dr. Yao received his DAOM degree from Five Branches University in 2013 under the supervision of Prof. Huang Huang. In 2014, he was selected by Prof. Wang Qi, a National Master of TCM and Member of Chinese Engineering Academy, as an apprentice and continues to study as a member of the Advanced Class of Wang Qi Apprentices.

Kevin Zhu
L.Ac., M.D. (China), DAOM Fellow
Senior Professor

Kevin Zhu received his degree in 1988 from the Beijing University of Chinese Medicine and Pharmacology, where he studied for six years. He worked as the Physician-in-Charge and as a Lecturer for nine years at the Beijing First Teaching Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Kevin served as the chief secretary for the National Academic Symposium and organized four symposiums on male diseases, urology, skin diseases, cancer, gynecology, and gastroenterology. He developed the Acupuncture and Herb Treatment Software with the Qinghua University in China, and participated in the compilation of eight professional books. From January 1999 to May 2001, Kevin worked and taught at the Texas College of Traditional Chinese Medicine. He was the manager of the herbal pharmacy at the school’s clinic, in addition to supervising the clinical training for student interns. He was also a professor at the American College of Traditional Chinese Medicine in San Francisco. Kevin specializes in pain management, dermatology and urology. He has years of experience utilizing a wide spectrum of TCM modalities, including herbs, acupuncture, Tuina, and moxibustion to provide an integrated TCM treatment plan for his patients. In his spare time, Kevin enjoys reading, swimming, table tennis and hiking. Professor Zhu teaches in the Departments of TCM Acupuncture, TCM Clinical Medicine, and TCM Clinical Training.

Expert Practitioners and Exceptional Teachers

The Postgraduate DAOM Program was designed to draw upon the wisdom and expertise of our distinguished faculty members — many of who have over 30 years of experience practicing and teaching TCM. 

In the DAOM program, you will learn from renowned TCM masters from China, Europe and the U.S. These highly esteemed scholars are published authors, perform ground-breaking research, and are innovators in the TCM profession. 

The DAOM faculty play a significant role in the development of our curriculum, and in establishing our reputation as a leader in Postgraduate TCM education. Learn more about our faculty by browsing the DAOM Faculty Directory.