In the final phase of the program you will complete an extensive research project to demonstrate mastery and synthesis of the knowledge and skills acquired in presentation, clinical evaluation and practice as well as research capability. The Capstone Project is implemented using quantitative and/or qualitative analyses as well as inductive and/or deductive research methods. You will apply evidence-based knowledge of preventive, therapeutic and rehabilitative interventions to individuals, families and/or population groups. The Capstone Project is a comprehensive evaluation and assessment of your achievements in the Postgraduate DAOM Program.
After your Capstone Proposal Presentation has been reviewed and approved, you will perform extensive research and literature review on your chosen topic. You are expected to analyze your research from both TCM and Western clinical medicine perspectives. The Capstone Project Paper/Presentation and Defense will allow you to demonstrate the ability to comprehensively synthesize the skills and knowledge acquired from all the modules you have taken in the program, culminating in the presentation and defense of your research in front of a panel of faculty and class.
Capstone pre-proposal, capstone proposal, capstone proposal presentation
The Capstone Proposal Presentation is one of the first steps to help you articulate your research project. You will be asked to propose a project topic of your interest including: why this topic is important to you, your plans for implementation, and the results you expect. You will present this project in its preliminary proposal stage and receive feedback from the panel and audience consisting of fellow students in class.
Submission of capstone pre-proposal