Chinese herbology is the world’s most sophisticated medical herbal system. The TCM Herbology curriculum includes extensive training in the identification, categorization and clinical use of the traditional Chinese herbal pharmacopoeia. Six semesters of in-depth herbology study provide you with a solid working knowledge of more than 400 individual herbs and more than 350 classical and modern formulas. Advanced courses instruct you how to modify and enhance classical formulas in response to specific variants in a patient’s diagnosed condition. All herb courses are taught using the Pinyin names of herbs.
This course covers the etiology, diagnosis and treatment of common diseases of the musculoskeletal system in accordance with both TCM and Western medicine. Emphasis is placed on the differentiation of bone and soft tissue injuries related to common sports and industrial injuries. You will learn to treat patients with acupuncture and herbs, perform essential orthopedic tests to evaluate the outcome of treatments, recognize red flags in orthopedics, and make appropriate referrals. You will learn how to competently instruct patients in the proper rehabilitation and the prevention of sports and industrial injuries.
FAP 100/200/300, Acupuncture I, II, & III
Since the beginning of TCM, great physicians understood the profound influence of diet on human health. This course introduces theories of TCM dietetics and surveys the TCM functions and properties of common foods, the dietary programs appropriate for the treatment of prevalent TCM disharmonies, and their effect on health and longevity. Effective food combinations and recipes are provided for the treatment of common diseases, and to enhance general well being.
FHB 200|300|400, TCM Herbology I - III