- 瞭解不孕症的中醫病機與現代醫學視角
- 掌握針灸治療不孕症的基本理論與實踐技巧
- 學習如何運用不同針灸手法來提高生育成功率
- 分析臨床案例並設計個性化的治療方案
- 提高學員在不孕症治療方面的臨床應用能力
張丹玲教授來自中醫世家,從小深受中醫文化熏陶。她在中國遼寧中醫藥大學獲得醫學學士與碩士學位,並在該校附屬醫院擔任醫師及指導教師。她曾於丹東婦幼醫院完成兩年住院醫師訓練,專攻甲狀腺疾病與針灸研究。她的學術研究涵蓋眼針、肌肉經絡理論及甲狀腺疾病,並在《中醫臨床研究》等期刊發表多篇論文。 2011年,她獲得五系中醫大學(Five Branches University)針灸與東方醫學博士學位(DAOM),目前在美國加州Sunnyvale經營私人診所,專精於疼痛管理、婦科調理及甲狀腺疾病治療。此外,她自2018年起擔任Apple Wellness Center 針灸專家,致力於結合現代科技與傳統醫學,為患者提供高效的針灸療法。 本次課程不僅是學習理論,更是臨床技術的實戰演練,讓學員能夠即學即用,提升臨床治療效果。
Samson Cheung has been studying the I-Ching since 1986. From years of studying the Chinese Classics, he gained a profound understanding of Chinese metaphysics, Feng Shui, and Confucianism. In 2007, he helped established a nonprofit organization called the School of Yimutology. where he teaches the I-Ching and related subjects. Dr. Cheung promotes I-Ching culture, Chinese philosophy and Confucianism by incorporating these Chinese theories and teachings into modern city life. Samson graduated from the University of California, Davis with a Ph.D in Applied Mathematics. He received a Master of Arts in Applied Mathematics, Mathematical Physics, and a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics-Physics from the University of Maryland. After his employment at Boeing and Intel as a computer engineer, he joined the Application Performance & Productivity (APP) Group in the NAS Division at the NASA Ames Research Center to develop Earth Science Modeling Framework (ESMF) and create parallel computational code for tropical cyclones study.
Hsinmin Chi earned a Master's degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) from South Baylo University, California. His prior education included a Master of Science degree in TCM from the Academy of Chinese Culture and Health Sciences, California, a M.S. degree in Electrical Engineering from Santa Clara University, California, and a M.S. degree in Physics from the University of Texas, Dallas. He specializes in Pain Management, Anti-Aging, Alzheimer's Disease, and Parkinson's Disease and others.
張丹玲教授來自中醫世家,從小深受中醫文化熏陶。她在中國遼寧中醫藥大學獲得醫學學士與碩士學位,並在該校附屬醫院擔任醫師及指導教師。她曾於丹東婦幼醫院完成兩年住院醫師訓練,專攻甲狀腺疾病與針灸研究。她的學術研究涵蓋眼針、肌肉經絡理論及甲狀腺疾病,並在《中醫臨床研究》等期刊發表多篇論文。 2011年,她獲得五系中醫大學(Five Branches University)針灸與東方醫學博士學位(DAOM),目前在美國加州Sunnyvale經營私人診所,專精於疼痛管理、婦科調理及甲狀腺疾病治療。此外,她自2018年起擔任Apple Wellness Center 針灸專家,致力於結合現代科技與傳統醫學,為患者提供高效的針灸療法。 本次課程不僅是學習理論,更是臨床技術的實戰演練,讓學員能夠即學即用,提升臨床治療效果。
Samson Cheung has been studying the I-Ching since 1986. From years of studying the Chinese Classics, he gained a profound understanding of Chinese metaphysics, Feng Shui, and Confucianism. In 2007, he helped established a nonprofit organization called the School of Yimutology. where he teaches the I-Ching and related subjects. Dr. Cheung promotes I-Ching culture, Chinese philosophy and Confucianism by incorporating these Chinese theories and teachings into modern city life. Samson graduated from the University of California, Davis with a Ph.D in Applied Mathematics. He received a Master of Arts in Applied Mathematics, Mathematical Physics, and a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics-Physics from the University of Maryland. After his employment at Boeing and Intel as a computer engineer, he joined the Application Performance & Productivity (APP) Group in the NAS Division at the NASA Ames Research Center to develop Earth Science Modeling Framework (ESMF) and create parallel computational code for tropical cyclones study.
Hsinmin Chi earned a Master's degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) from South Baylo University, California. His prior education included a Master of Science degree in TCM from the Academy of Chinese Culture and Health Sciences, California, a M.S. degree in Electrical Engineering from Santa Clara University, California, and a M.S. degree in Physics from the University of Texas, Dallas. He specializes in Pain Management, Anti-Aging, Alzheimer's Disease, and Parkinson's Disease and others.