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臨床醫生 (SJ Directory)

Boya Ma

Dr.Boya Ma holds a DAOM from Five Branches University, an M.S. in TCM, as well as an M.S. in Statistics. She underwent her residency at Highland Hospital in Oakland, CA, as well as at numerous hospitals in Beijing, China, including the prestigious Peking University People's Hospital. Dr. Ma practices internal medicine utilizing the Five Yun and Six Qi methodology which observes the weather change and how that is related to human health, and its application with Chinese herbs and acupuncture. Dr. Ma is also an expert in abdominal acupuncture, which has a strong application in sports injury, post surgery, and stroke recovery.
Florence Chen

Florence Chen received her Masters’ degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine from the American College of Traditional Chinese Medicine in California, and a Doctorate in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine from Five Branches University. She is a licensed acupuncturist in both California and New York, specializing in women's health, neuromuscular medicine and pain management, and dermatology/external medicine. When not practicing or teaching, Florence enjoys skiing, snorkeling, and backyard barbeques. Florence Chen teaches in the Departments of TCM Theory and TCM Herbology.
Flynn Yi-Shou Chang

Flynn earned his Master's and DAOM degrees from Five Branches University.? He?uses rapid and effective acupuncture techniques to address chronic issues such as insomnia, allergies, digestion and skin problems, mobility limitations, and long COVID. He incorporates Tai-Chi Qi Gong to develop unique acupressure and channel regulation techniques. Flynn specializes in non-invasive auricular and palm reflexology and provides tailored self-care coaching and dietary recommendations.
Guang Yue Chen

Guang Yue Chen, MD Neurologist 18 years from China is a recognized acupuncturist in San Jose for 23 years, having successfully served over100,00 individual clients in her 40 years holistic healing practice. She is a best-selling book coauthor, Yoga /Tai Chi Master, health wellness educator, and community service volunteer with a mission to eliminate suffering and maximize mind body healing in furtherance of improving all aspects of her client’s lives, especially in brain and woman’s health.
Hal Malmud
Adjunct Faculty

Hal is a highly experienced Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) practitioner with over 45 years of experience, including 8 years of specialized training in Taiwan. He was also an Adjunct faculty and community liaison lecturer at ACTCM. Hal specializes in TCM internal medicine, autoimmune diseases, women's health, and preventive lifestyle medicine.
Jessie Xin

Jessie Xin, LAC is an Acupuncturist in San Jose, CA. She graduated from Five Branches University, earning a degree in both Master and Doctor in Chinese Medicine. She is accepting new patients. She is experienced in utilizing various treatment methods and has treated patients with a range of disorders including emotional disorders, sleep disorders, pain management, weight control, and gynecological issues, etc.
Julia Kao
L.Ac., Dipl. Ac. (NCCAOM), DACM

Julia specializes in mental-emotional balance, memory care, and creative well-being. She finds it a true privilege to be a part of patients’ health maintenance or recovery journey. Learning from patients’ stories informs her growth as a lifelong student. As much as time permits, she consumes documentaries, and indie music preferably with fellow enthusiasts and happy pets.
Phu Tran
L.Ac., D.C.

Phu Tran received his Master's degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine from Five Branches University. He specializes in musculo-skeletal conditions and sports injuries.
Samson Cheung
Ph.D., MTCM, L.Ac.

Dr. Cheung received his Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics, University of California, Davis. He has been studying I-Ching since 1986, and he has been teaching I-Ching and related subjects at the School of Yimutology, a non-profit organization in Oakland, CA that was founded by him in 2006. He also obtained his MTCM degree from Five Branches University. He teaches I-Ching, Chinese History and Philosophy in Five Branches University under the DAOM and DTCM/MTCM programs
中醫針灸師 , 中醫碩士學位 , 全國針灸證書 , 專科醫師 ( 中國 )
Senior Professor

1982 畢業於中國青海大學醫學院,之後在世界衛生組織和上海精神衛生中心聯合舉辦的國際精神科醫師培訓中心繼續深造,成為神經精神病學專家。他創建了青海省西寧市博愛專科醫院,除治療精神疾患外,並以此開創了中西醫結合對鴉片類藥物成癮和依賴患者的治療和康復項目。之後,王教授在舊金山美洲中醫學院獲得中醫碩士學位,和加州五系中醫院大學的中醫博士學位。他擁有加州行醫執照 , 與全美針灸和中醫藥證書。王教授在中國和美國擔任多項教職和主導多項臨床研究,及發表多項學術論文。包括西寧市博愛專科醫院院長,美州中醫學院雙語教學部主任,教務處副主任等職務。他現在加州舊金山灣區設有私人診所,愛好飼養德國狼狗與滑雪。王教授現任五系中醫院大學終身教授,除擔任碩士班和博士班相關教學工作外,還負責我校中西醫結合教育和San Jose 校區診所的臨床教學工作等。
中醫針灸師, 東方醫學博士
Senior Professor

朱文英教授畢業於上海中醫藥大學,並擁有近 30 年的針灸和中藥治療經驗。除在加州中醫藥大學任教之外,也在加州弗里蒙開設自己的診所。她專攻婦科與疼痛治療,並擅用針灸治療神經?分泌系統所引起的各類疑難雜症。 朱教授在臨床陪訓部任教 .
中醫針灸師, 執照西醫師 (中國)
Senior Professor

朱教授專攻疼痛治療,皮膚病和泌尿科疾病。憑藉多年臨床經驗,他運用多種中醫療法為病人制定綜合中醫治療方案,包括中草藥,針灸,推拿,和艾炙等。業餘時間, 朱教授喜愛讀書,游泳和旅遊。 朱教授在針灸步部,臨床醫學和臨床培訓部任教。
中醫針灸師, 博士
Associate Professor

Juan Li received her Bachelor’s degree of Traditional Chinese Medicine in 1998 from Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine in China. She practiced as Physician of TCM in Shenzhen Futian Hospital. In 2005 Juan went back to Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine and recieved her Master’s degree in 2008. She kept practicing in China till 2015. Then she came to USA and received her Doctoral degree from Fivebranches University. Dr. Li focuses on TCM clinic, teaching, and research. She supervised the TCM professionals, including registered, lower level TCM practitioners and interns in Shenzhen Futian Hospital, which is affiliated with the Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine. She published 15 paper about TCM on different medical journals. Dr. Li is an Executive Council Member of WFCMS Standing Committee. Professor Li specializes in stroke, paralysis, chronic fatigue, chronic pain and pediatric disease. She teaches in the Departments of TCM Theory and TCM Clinical Training.
中醫針灸師, 博士

Ching Ching Chi is a DAOM Fellow, PhD Graduate of Zhejiang TCM University and licensed acupuncturist and herbalist in the state of California. She is a student of Professor's Fan Yongsheng, Fang Benzheng, and Wang Juyi, the most distinguished acupuncture physicians and herbalists in China. She specializes in pain management, diabetes and its complication, stroke rehabilitation, cancer care and autoimmune disease. Ching is currently teaching in the Departments of TCM Theory and TCM Acupuncture.

Hsinmin Chi earned a Master's degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) from South Baylo University, California. His prior education included a Master of Science degree in TCM from the Academy of Chinese Culture and Health Sciences, California, a M.S. degree in Electrical Engineering from Santa Clara University, California, and a M.S. degree in Physics from the University of Texas, Dallas. He specializes in Pain Management, Anti-Aging, Alzheimer's Disease, and Parkinson's Disease and others.
中醫針灸師 , 全國針灸證書 , 專科醫師 ( 中國 )
Senior Professor

露茜出身於醫學世家。曾祖父是一位中醫醫師。 露茜和她兩個姐姐都在中國獲得西醫學位。 1961 年, 胡教授在中國瀋陽大學獲得醫學學位。 1982 年她從香港中國針灸醫學研究所獲得中醫畢業證書。在她三十年行醫的經驗中,一直專研兒科。
Assistant Professor

勞靜畢業於浙江中醫藥大學中醫學專業,自1995年起從事了中醫美容臨床和皮膚疾病治療工作。她早年在古都西安專業地學習了中醫美容療法,並在香港華都美容學校得到了深造。 自2010 年以來,她在浙江中醫藥大學位當地學生和國際生執教了多門課程: 中醫基礎理論、中醫診斷、中藥學、中醫美容、 食療和太極拳。 另外, 她是中國中醫藥學會美容分會的委員會委員。她在美國加州中醫藥大學取得了碩士學位。現在在加州中醫藥大學攻讀臨床博士學位。 專長: 中醫皮膚科, 中醫婦科, 各種痛症
中醫針灸師, 執照西醫師 (中國)
Senior Professor

專科醫師(中國), 中山醫科大學, 中國 凱撒醫院簽約針灸師, 疼痛治療中心, 加州 教授,加州中醫藥大學, 聖塔克魯斯,加州 中醫基礎理論係及中藥係主任, 加州中醫藥大學, 聖塔克魯斯,加州
Senior Professor

Tonghua Yang is a professor at multiple TCM universities and served as the Director of the TCM Society in Washington. He successfully established the first Chinese acupuncture center in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Thousands of patients have been healed through his treatments, including members of a National Champion Football team, a National Hockey Championship team, and Olympic gold medalists. Patients praise the remarkable efficacy of his treatments.
中醫針灸師 , 全國針灸證書

George Lu began studying Traditional Chinese Medicine in San Francisco in 1989, with the respected Angela C. Wu, L.Ac., where he built up a solid TCM foundation and learned to treat patients with HIV/AIDS and women with gynecological disorders. He received his Master's in Traditional Chinese Medicine from the Academy of Chinese Medicine and Cultural Sciences in 1995, and interned at Shu Guan Hospital in Shanghai, China where he trained in Dr. Shi style Orthopedic Tuina. George specializes in sports injury, Tuina massage, and fertility.
Senior Professor

自 1984 她協助創辦加州中醫藥大學以來 , 趙主任一直擔任我校的教務校長及臨床部主任。早 年 便立志投身於中醫事業 , 其叔父乃是一名醫 , 使她在孩提時代就對中醫充滿興趣。 趙 振平 畢業於上海中醫藥大學,攻讀中西醫結合專業。她師從名醫、針灸大師,她在中美國 TWO 國傳授和 運用 中醫, 已近三十年 。她主攻癌症,免疫系統疾病和精神情緒疾患。
